Recruitment to FR Ryd

Förtroenderådet i Ryd (FR Ryd) is an organisation run by students, for the students. Our mission is to support students on housing-related issues. We also provide services such as free lending service or cycle repair shop.

As part of FR Ryd, you get a multitude of options regarding your involvement. You can be responsible for the bike workshop, website, external relations, events and many more. It also comes with many possibilities to meet new people from all around the world and be a part of a dynamic and multicultural team as well as a chance to advance your CV. Additionally, as a member of a board you get a small remuneration.
Don't hesitate to sign up via the link below! y8VqMtAbPzwRn3m39

Senast ändrad: 9 oktober 2022 13:41 av Adrian.
Öppnad av 537 användare sedan 25 maj 2022.
Etiketter: FR_Ryd