Vetenskapsvecka i Zaragoza [Deadline: 6 maj]
Information för studenterna på fysik- och matematikprofilerna på Y/Yi och materialprofilen på MED!
The deadline for applications is May 6th. We will send you an email confirming that we have received your application. By May 10th, you will get another email communicating whether you have been admitted in the Week. If you are admitted, you will need to confirm your participation by May 31st, and send us your travel plan, together with a copy of the flight tickets from your country to Spain.
- EF-nämnden ger ersättning för resekostnader upp till maximalt 5 tkr per student. Ett motkrav är att dokumentera vistelsen på sociala medier (t ex LiUs twitterkonto om vi får tillgång till det) och att skriva en reseberättelse som ska kunna publiceras på webben.
- Information och anmälning:
- Kopierad information om anmälningsprocessen:
In order to apply, you must fill the Registration form and include the following:
- Scanned copy of your passport or National Identity Card
- Proof of enrollment in your BSc/MSc
- A recommendation letter by a professor or Erasmus coordinator of your university
- A short video (2 minutes max) or a presentation letter either in English or in Spanish, explaining why you want to participate in the International Week
The deadline for applications is May 6th. We will send you an email confirming that we have received your application. By May 10th, you will get another email communicating whether you have been admitted in the Week. If you are admitted, you will need to confirm your participation by May 31st, and send us your travel plan, together with a copy of the flight tickets from your country to Spain.
Senast ändrad: 1 maj 2018 13:09 av Sara.
Öppnad av 517 användare sedan 25 maj 2022.