Useful internal links (Swedish section site)

Here you can find useful links that will send you to some of our Swedish pages but that can be useful for English speaking students.

Master thesis pool: Here you find a list of master thesis, some of them are in English!

Lilla svarta (little black)Here you find our song booklet that we use at some events. Keep in mind that most of the songs are in Swedish

Exam statistics Here you can find the grade distribution from different examinations in different courses. You need the course code to see the statistics.

Institutions Here you can find a list of institutions and links to their sites. They have English versions of their sites as well!

Photo Gallery Here you can see photos from previous events (need to login on the website with your LiU-ID)

Senast ändrad: 17 september 2017 17:17 av Robin.
Öppnad av 705 användare sedan 25 maj 2022.