The Board & the Council

The board of the Y-section is a group of students who are responsible for the daily operations of the section. This entails some economic decisions, student life, improvements and fun events.

The positions of the board are: president, treasurer (who act designated signatures), vice president, secretary, as well as three board members.

There are two documents ruling the work of the board, namely the by-laws and the

guidelines of the section. These documents only exist in Swedish, but they can be found here.

If you have any questions or remarks about the Y-section, do not hesitate to ask. You will find contact information for the members of the board under the link kontaktuppgifter. If you do not know which member to contact, you can send an e-mail to, to reach the president who will get you in touch with the corresponding person.

The Council is a different student body consisting of the board, presidents of all the committees, as well as the work environment representative. The purpose is to ensure good contact and cooperation between the different instances of the section.


Senast ändrad: 1 augusti 2024 16:46 av Daniel.
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