Updating LiU-Card

The LiU-card must be updated each semester if you want to be able to use computer rooms. borrow books, write exams and basically everything else. Since it is a very vital part of a students daily life, a lot of people want to update it at the same time during the start of the semester, which causes a lot of long queues so be sure to stay on top and update it in due time. A good advice is to update it at irregular times (not lunch, not lecture breaks). Keep in mind that you must have registered yourself at latest the day before in order to make the update working.

Examples of where the LiU-card is used:

Identification at exams
To get into buildings, computer rooms, laboratories etc.
"Coffee card" at Baljan (shorter queues, pay the coffee with your card).
Paying for printing, copying etc
To borrow at libraries
It works as a bus card at "Campusbussen"
Legitimation at student pubs, kravaller etc.


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