
Lunchföreläsning Accenture Data & AI

Tidpunkt: tors 30/11 2023, 12:15 till tors 30/11 2023, 13:00

Plats: C1

Beskrivning: Lunch lecture with Accenture Data & AI
Do you believe in the power of data? Are you curios about the life working as a consultant? Come and join the Accenture Data & AI team for a lunch lecture where we dive into the world of data-driven innovation and explain how we're shaping the future.

Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Accenture Data & AI is a group working on unlocking the power of analytics, data and AI, and pave the way for innovation. Through deep industry expertise, analytics and insights, we empower clients to survive and thrive in the new, the now and the unknown. Known for our ability to execute at speed, we help clients determine clear, actionable paths to competitive agility by bringing them new thinking on data, technology and business.

Lunch will be served to the first 100 people to sign up.

Sista anmälan: mån 27/11 2023, 17:00

Max antal deltagare: 100

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