- Organization
- The Board & the Council
- Committees
- Activity Committee, AktU
- Alumni Committee, AlumnY
- Business Committee, NärU
- Education Committee, SNY
- Welcoming Committee, Y-Fadderiet
- Election Committee
- Information Committee, InfU
- Photography committee, FotU
- International Committee, IntU
- PR Committee, MafU
- Pub Committee, PubU
- Sexmästeri (Party Committee), Y6
- Quartermasters, YMV
- Web Group
- Women’s organization, Yvette
- Work Fair, LINK days
- Section Band, Y-bandet
- Common information
- The Overall
- International masters
- Swedish programmes
Quartermasters, YMV
The quartermasters are responsible for the possessions of the section. They provide the booking system for the renting the section car Yrla, and they also have tools and games to lend out.
Senast ändrad: 17 augusti 2024 13:07 av Ivar.
Öppnad av 519 användare sedan 25 maj 2022.