PR Committee, MafU

The PR Committee, known as MafU in Swedish, is responsible for the PR of the section and the programs that fall under it. One of the things we do is to promote the programmes for high school students, mostly in Linköping and Norrköping, but also around the country.

Apart from that we are also responsible for Hemmissionering an initiative from LiU where university students talk about our education and section at their old school. We also arrange EDPY (En dag på Y) where younger students come to LiU for a day to see how it is to study here. Furthermore we help plan VKBIIF (Vem kan bli ingenjör i fysik?) together with other universities, which is an event to promote girls and non-binary people to study applied physics. Another event we have is YMP (Y-sektionens mentorskapsprogram), an event to make the first year sudents feel welcome and a possibility for them to meet older students.

If you have a question about MafU or the things we do, don't hesitate to catch me in the corridor or send me a mail!

President of the PR Committee

Senast ändrad: 18 september 2024 11:32 av Patrik.
Öppnad av 520 användare sedan 25 maj 2022.