- Organization
- The Board & the Council
- Committees
- Activity Committee, AktU
- Alumni Committee, AlumnY
- Business Committee, NärU
- Education Committee, SNY
- Welcoming Committee, Y-Fadderiet
- Election Committee
- Information Committee, InfU
- Photography committee, FotU
- International Committee, IntU
- PR Committee, MafU
- Pub Committee, PubU
- Sexmästeri (Party Committee), Y6
- Quartermasters, YMV
- Web Group
- Women’s organization, Yvette
- Work Fair, LINK days
- Section Band, Y-bandet
- Common information
- The Overall
- International masters
- Swedish programmes
There are 16 committees working for the students of the section.
Senast ändrad: 17 september 2017 17:15 av Robin.
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